Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Damn you lazy bunch of readers!

I wasn't going to post again until someone else did, but I am sick of waiting for all yinz. Read Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. It's good damn it!

Friday, January 26, 2007

The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Blue Bear

Come along with Captain Bluebear for the first 13 ½ of his 27 lives. Each chapter in this thick book (don’t worry there are lots of pictures) recounts the story of one life. The Capn’s adventures include sailing the high seas with the mini pirates, doing psychedelic mushrooms in the desert with crazy Bedouin-like people, living in a wild tornado full of centurions, slaying evil villains and lots more. All this while dropping through holes in dimensional hiatuses like so much swiss cheese.

I’m a big kid at heart. I really enjoyed this book because it managed to create a children’s storybook feel but remain an “adult” book.

Great story, great illustrations and great world building. Two furry blue thumbs up!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

What I've Been Reading

I finished The Olive Season by Carol Drinkwater, see post below, though I don't recommend it. The second book didn't prove to be as entertaining as the first.
I read Thirteen Moons by Charles Frazier. The author of Cold Mountain. I thought it was beautifully written prose, and style. He did a fantastic job transporting me back in time. Also the process of growing older, and the feelings associated were well portrayed.
What I am reading now, and really enjoying is Geek Love, recommended by Max in a posting on this very blog!