Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Damn you lazy bunch of readers!

I wasn't going to post again until someone else did, but I am sick of waiting for all yinz. Read Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. It's good damn it!

Friday, January 26, 2007

The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Blue Bear

Come along with Captain Bluebear for the first 13 ½ of his 27 lives. Each chapter in this thick book (don’t worry there are lots of pictures) recounts the story of one life. The Capn’s adventures include sailing the high seas with the mini pirates, doing psychedelic mushrooms in the desert with crazy Bedouin-like people, living in a wild tornado full of centurions, slaying evil villains and lots more. All this while dropping through holes in dimensional hiatuses like so much swiss cheese.

I’m a big kid at heart. I really enjoyed this book because it managed to create a children’s storybook feel but remain an “adult” book.

Great story, great illustrations and great world building. Two furry blue thumbs up!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

What I've Been Reading

I finished The Olive Season by Carol Drinkwater, see post below, though I don't recommend it. The second book didn't prove to be as entertaining as the first.
I read Thirteen Moons by Charles Frazier. The author of Cold Mountain. I thought it was beautifully written prose, and style. He did a fantastic job transporting me back in time. Also the process of growing older, and the feelings associated were well portrayed.
What I am reading now, and really enjoying is Geek Love, recommended by Max in a posting on this very blog!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Devil Is A Gentleman

Here is one that is on my list to read.
I finished J.C. Hallmans' book, The Chess Artist, a few months ago and enjoyed it. Even though Hallmans' writing is sometimes long winded, it is out of a desire to provide plenty of detail, and this book is engaging from beginning to end, using the more recently popularized story form of non-fiction. If you are a chess player or interested in game lore than I would recommend his first book, The Chess Artist.
His more recent book, The Devil Is A Gentleman, was made
during 10 months of research. "Hallman met fundamentalist Christian wrestlers and dog-breeding monks; he joined the Church of Scientology, trekked Druid circles and talked with
members of UFO cults. "

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Some like it thick

First of all, I don't consider myself a book geek. A geek yes. I only read occasionally, always something that is recommended by my fellow book geeks, so it is always something good.
My most recent recommendation is The Mists of Avalon by Marion Bradley. As of now, I am on page 176...only 833 more to go. Don't get me wrong, I was sucked in and committed by the first page, this is just my first "thick one" so it' a little intimidating!
I am seldom disappointed by a book filled with heroins. This story reconfirms just that; packed with the power of womyn, myths, legends, mysticism, battles, life and death. Dudes will like it too, it has boobies in it.
Five Stars by: Bethany Hurwitz

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Book geeks love Geek Love

Read it because it talks about familiar issues of self worth, family loyalty and changing relationships or pick it up because it is fun to read about carnival geeks, either way Geek Love is certain to be worth your time.

Katherine Dunns Geek Love (Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1983) is the saga of Binewskis Fabulon, a traveling carnival, the star attractions of which are the Binewski children themselves. All are products of an ambitious breeding program devised by father Aloysius to reverse the Fabulons fall onto hard times. Determined to create special children, wife Crystal Lil ingests pharmaceuticals, insecticides, radioisotopes, and any other substances Al can procure. After all, Lil remarks, "What greater gift could you offer your children than an inherent ability to earn a living just by being themselves?" Flipper-limbed Arturo, Siamese twins Electra and Iphigenia, Chick the wonder, and hunchback albino dwarf Olympia are living testaments to the programs success and contributors to the Fabulons continued existence, as are the many less successful experiments displayed in glass jars in the Fabulons Hall of Horrors. "

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

God's diet plan

I found this treasure at the thrift store and it made me laugh and think "What the ....?"
It contains chapters such as "The Satanic Food Conspiracy" and "Monkeys Don't Have Heart Attacks. "
It is filled with pie charts and graphs and this gem:
" The technique for putting information into a computer and telling it what to do with that information is known as PROGRAMMING."
Like I said earlier, "What the ...?"