Monday, December 4, 2006

Charlotte's Web

Charlotte’s Web hooked me with the first line and sent me away happy with a fabulous close. The middle wasn’t half bad either. I just finished Charlotte’s Web and I enjoyed every word, although my excitement is probably enhanced by the prospect of soon being able to read the story to my daughter Poppy.
Children's literature gets me every time. Short, easily digested stories, simple grammar, universal themes; children's lit is the sitcom of the book world. Charlotte's Web is no different, the story of a pig being spared from slaughter by the devotion of loving friends is not much different from Hugo Chavez being spared another U.S. backed coup by the support of his numerous constituents. See...universal themes. O.K., maybe that was a stretch.
It was the love and devotion from friends that really pulled me in to this story and also makes it such a tearjerker. I know I rely a lot on my friends and this book is truly a testament to how devoted friends can accomplish anything. Wow, was that pure “cheese” or some kind of communist propaganda?
And back to that fabulous close…
“It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer.” Well, I will have to be on the look out, but I am sure I know one or two.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems the older your kid gets, the bigger of a wus you become. I get choked up everytime she looks at me and says "love you daddy".
